Accidente mortal de una estrella de Youtube a sus 35 años

Redacción Digital

La popular 'youtuber' británica, de 35 años, falleció el 12 de julio en un accidente, según reza una publicación en su cuenta de Instagram. De acuerdo con The Guardian, la muerte se produjo a consecuencia de una colisión con un camión mientras circulaba en un patinete eléctrico. El medio indica que se trata del primer siniestro de este tipo registrado en el Reino Unido.

Hartridge fue una de las primeras personalidades de Reino Unido que se volvió famosa a través de las redes sociales. Hace siete años, estrenó su canal de Youtube 'Ten Reasons Why ...' (Diez razones por las que ...) con videos que en los que comentaba aspectos de la vida moderna de manera cómica. Su canal logró obtener 3 millones de reproducciones en un solo mes, tras lo cual fue invitada a presentar varios programas de televisión. Actualmente, el canal de Emily tiene casi 350.000 suscriptores.

Una niña de 6 años ingresó a la lista de los youtubers mejor pagados del mundo

Regulación de patinetes eléctricos

La noticia ha avivado la discusión acerca de la seguridad de este tipo de transporte urbano. Los patinetes eléctricos se consideran modernos y ecológicos, pero también son vistos como una manifestación de "una moda arriesgada e innecesaria, empujada por inversionistas de tecnología", según el mismo diario británico.

Además, su uso se ha desarrollado en muchas ciudades de manera rápida y caótica sin ningún tipo de regulación, generando quejas de los transeúntes por su circulación por aceras y estacionamiento irregular, así como preocupaciones por la seguridad de las personas que utilizan estos dispositivos, ya que carecen de protección frente a otros vehículos más grandes.

Por el momento, en Reino Unido el uso de los patinetes electrónicos "sigue siendo ilegal tanto en carreteras como en veredas", recuerda el medio. La sociedad británica, impactada por el reciente accidente de Hartridge, considera estudiar la experiencia en la regulación de la circulación de 'e-scooters' en otros países.

WhatsApp añade una función a los usuarios de YouTube, Instagram y Facebook

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LET ME BE YOUR BRAIN BUDDY 🧠❤️ - The reason I called my women’s mental health meet up ‘Brain Buddies’ is because I think we ALL need a brain buddy 👭 - As I’ve said before human connection when it comes to mental health is so so important 🤚🏽 To share how you feel with someone else who can relate is extremely powerful and immediately reassuring 😌 - I wanted to create a safe space where women could talk about whatever they wanted and feel supported by other women who have gone through similar experiences 👭 - I am so excited about my next meet up I can’t TELL YOU 😆 - DATE: This Saturday July 13th TIME: 2pm LOCATION: Green Park MEETING POINT: If you get off at green park tube there is area where they rent deck chairs, I will be waiting there 💁🏻‍♀️ - Extra note: WOMEN ONLY 👭 - If the weather decides to sh*t on us I will change location☔️ - No need to purchase tickets, just turn up 😁 But of course if you have any questions please DM me 🙏 - Please don’t feel worried about turning up alone, everyone is so lovely and welcoming 🤗 And please don’t worry if you don’t want to talk, you can just sit there and listen 👂 - This is just a chat between a group of girls about anxiety, depression and all things related to mental health 🧠 - I want to start a movement of talking and sharing about what is going on in our brains so I hope you will come and meet lots of new brain buddies ❣ - See you there YEAH? 🙋🏻‍♀️ ________________________________________________ #brainbuddies #mentalhealth #women #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #mentalhealthmeetup #london #greenpark #recovery #motivation #inspiration #abs #strong #strength #fit #fitness #muscles #strength #happiness #smiling #laughter

Una publicación compartida de Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) el

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FEAR AROUND MEN & RELATIONSHIPS 💔 - For those of us that suffer from mental health issues know the feeling of ‘fear’ all too well and really that‘s what anxiety is.....FEAR 😨 • Some might be similar and some might be exactly the same as others but if your anxiety or depression has got so severe then you have let fear completely take over. Fear is in the driving seat and all irrational thinking goes out the window 🤚🏽 • I have briefly mentioned this before but I have a HUGE fear around men and relationships. I guess when you have had so many failed relationships that it’s the natural outcome but throw severe anxiety into the mix and you have a huge clusterfuck right there 🤯 • Meeting @jacob_hazell totally took me by surprise and to be honest I had accepted that I was going to be alone forever and had made my peace with it 🙏 • I’ll be honest, I was f*cking terrified 😱Terrified of having my heart broken again 😱Terrified of losing my identity again 😱 Terrified of falling back into my old co dependant ways 😱 • I felt totally out of my depth and my anxiety had removed all my rational thinking. It was a head versus heart situation and I was very much ignoring my heart😳 • So I went to see a relationship therapist and it was literally the best decision I have ever made. She was able to help me navigate my fears and rationalise the ridiculous ones. I thought I could figure it out alone but I was drowning and I had so much fear around losing Jake because of my inability to rationalise my fears 😥 • Fast forward 5 months and I have never been happier 😊 Turns out I am not a co dependant person at all 🙅🏻‍♀️ When you meet the right person and you know they are never going to leave you, turns out I am f*cking relaxed and happy doing my own thing 😊 • My anxiety almost ruined what is the most amazing relationship I have ever had and honestly it was because I sought help for it. My therapist helped me understand that it was my fear of being broken hearted again that was holding me back and why I was protecting myself 🙌🏼 • We all have fears but NEVER let them get in the way of what you REALLY want ❤️ • @georgiespurling 📸

Una publicación compartida de Emily Hartridge (@emilyhartridge) el
